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151218S Outdoor shower connection with shower hose and shower head Charisma in box

- Suitable for motor homes and caravans
- For showering outside the caravan or motorhome with hot/cold water
- Complete package with external connection, shower hose chrome and shower head Charisma white
- Lockable with lock
- With on/off switch to save power
- Equipped with pre-mixer
- Simple to operate
- Fastening with 4 screws (not included)

Parola chiave


Numero articolo: 151218S
Codice a barre: 8719946018179
Peso incl. confezione: -grammi
Peso netto: - gram
Outer weight: - kg
Quantità per scatola esterna: -
Quantità per scatola interna: -
Quantità per pallet: -
Articolo imballato: - mm
Dimensione scatola interna: - mm
Taglia esterno: - mm
CBM scatola esterna: - m3