Om PAT Europe ProPlus Bli kund
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753370 Måttband 5M

Measuring tape:
- Extra strong.
- Thicker blade, longer standout.
- No measuring difference because of flexible tip.
- Comfortable case.

- The exclusive locking control secures blade positively.
- It will keep not creep or move when taking inside readings, markings or measurements.

- Do not allow the tape to rewind at full speed.
- To prevent blade breakage, do not allow the last two feet of the blade to return into the
case at full speed.

Artikelnummer: 753370
Streckkod: 8718546650376
Vikt inkl. förpackning: 190gram
Nettovikt: 180 gram
Outer weight: 12,39 kg
Quantity per outer carton: 60
Quantity per inner carton: 12
Kvantitet per lastpall: 2880
Förpackad artikel: 40x103x149 mm
Dimension inre kartong: 260x178x110 mm
Format yttre: 565x280x200 mm
CBM ytterförpackning: 0.03164 m3