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150676 Szczotka Professional z drążkiem teleskopowym 2 m

- Perfect for cleaning cars, vans, caravans, campers, etc.
- Also ideal for tasks around the house and in the garden such as a winter garden, conservatory, veranda, etc.

- Only use cold water to avoid scalding of the wash brush (and skin)!
- Avoid water contact with all (electrical) wiring (eg. high-voltage lines hanging above the street) to prevent electrocution
- First rinse away large amounts of stubborn dirt (mud) with water to prevent damage to both the substrate and the brush

Słowo kluczowe

Wash brush, Wash brushes telescopic handle, Wash brush telescopic handle, Wash brush UK, Wash brushes UK, Wash brushes telescopic handle UK, Wash brush telescopic handle UK, Telescopic car caravan motorhome wash brush, Telescopic car caravan motorhome wash brushes, Telescopic car caravan motorhome wash brush UK, Telescopic car caravan motorhome wash brushes UK

Numer przedmiotu: 150676
Kod kreskowy: 8717568792422
Waga wraz z opakowanie: 950gramy
Waga netto: 890 gram
Outer weight: 12,36 kg
Liczba w kartonie zewnętrznym: 12
Liczba w kartonie wewnętrznym: -
Ilość na palecie: 252
Przedmiot zapakowany: 160x250x1280 mm
Wymiar kartonu wewnętrznego: - mm
Rpzmiar zewnętrzny: 1290x275x195 mm
CBM kartonie zewnętrznym: 0.06917625 m3